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Thank you for participating in this event.

A list of trophy-winners will be published at the 4NCL website.
Trophy-winners should expect to be contacted by Mike Truran for postal address details.

5th 4NCL Autumn Online Congress Open

Last update 27.11.2024 12:44:09, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

not paired

20Annan, James1681ENG**
23Billingsley, Adrian1671ENG*
1Cansdale, Zachary2059ENG*
8Cole, Graham L1826ENG*
6Davis, Timothy J1897ENG***
27Ezzo, Talal1629ENG**
17Freund, Michael P1710ENG*****
19Gore, Bob R1697ENG**
15Gosling, Brian GE1744ENG*
13Green, George DA1757ENG*
14Johnson, Paul A1753ENG*
32Kapitanski, Furion1219BUL*
16Kasprzyk, Milosz1733POL**
18Marshall, Michael O1707ENG*
11Padovan, Rudy1786BRA**
24Saxena, Advik1647ENG**
30Saxena, Reyansh1502ENG*bye
2Sneddon, Iain D2028SCO*****
26Takvorian, Sebouh1642ENG***
4Turner, James1957ENG*******
10Wang, Luoke1793ENG***